AFL UTM Tracker Documentation

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  4. Main Settings
  5. Cookies Settings

Cookies Settings

There are four sections to our cookies settings. Ideally, you do need some basic understanding of the conversion journey to change the values in section 1 to 3. Section 4 is for websites that uses cookie consent banners.

  1. Cross-subdomain Cookie Tracking
  2. Cookie Consent Integration
  3. Tracking Cookies
  4. Reset Cookies After Conversion

1. Cross-Subdomain Tracking Cookies (optional)

Cross-subdomain Cookies Screenshot
Cross-subdomain Cookies Screenshot

Get your visitors to use the same conversion attribution journey for all your WordPress websites under the same domain name. You must also setup this plugin on your other subdomains.

For an example where you have 3 WordPress sites:

Set the Cookie Domain to:

Cookie Consent Integration Settings
Cookie Consent Integration Settings

Please follow our step-by-step guide here to integrate with Cookie Consent Banner plugins.

Cookie Consent Integration:

  • WP Consent API (default)
  • GTM / Manual
  • Borlabs Cookie
  • Cookiebot
  • Complianz

* If your site does not use a cookie consent banner, please select WP Consent API.

Cookie Consent Category: Select Statistics or Marketing

Statistics – Select this if you will be using the attribution data for analytics purposes only.

Marketing – Select this if you will be using the attribution data for marketing purposes.

3. Tracking Cookies

Tracking Cookies Screenshot
Tracking Cookies Screenshot

When a visitor first visits your website, tracking cookies will be generated on the visitor’s browser to start a new attribution session. It will track the visitor’s first landing page, website referrer, UTM parameters and several others for the number of days below.

Attribution Window

Your visitor’s cookies will be renewed each time the visitor visits your website for the number of days above but it will reset to start a new attribution session after the visitor has not visited for the number of days above. (Default is 90 days)

Last Touch Window

If your visitor visits the same URL again (only URLs with UTM, gclid or fbclid parameter) after the number of minutes above have passed then update the visited date and time. (Default is 30 minutes)

4. Reset Cookies After Conversion

Reset Cookie After Conversion Screenshot
Reset Cookie After Conversion Screenshot

Once a visitor converts, reset the visitor’s attribution cookies after a certain number of days. This will allow your visitor’s next visit to have a new attribution cookies. Adjust the values accordingly to your visitors purchase pattern for better conversion attribution.

When user registers, reset after

Reset the user’s attribution sesssion after the user has not visited your website for the number of days above. (Default is 30 days)

When user placed an order, reset after

Reset the user’s attribution sesssion after the user has not visited your website for the number of days above. (Default is 7 days)