AFL UTM Tracker Documentation

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  5. Changelog – Version 2

Changelog – Version 2

This is the changelog for our AFL UTM Tracker plugin version 2 branch.

2.16.0 – Jul 26, 2024

  • Feature – Support OneTrust cookie consent banner.

2.15.1 – Jul 25, 2024

  • Feature – Support CF7 to Webhook plugin.
  • Feature – Initial support for WooCommerce Subscription plugin.
  • Enhancement – WooCommerce Subscriptions hook wcs_renewal_order_meta_query is deprecated.
  • Enhancement – Add FunnelKit label in WooCommerce Settings.
  • Bugfix – Fix Fluent Forms always enabled even though attribution is disabled.

2.15.0 – Jul 14, 2024

  • Deprecated – Individual timestamp cookies and cookie expiry are no longer generated for improved performance (See notice).
  • Enhancement – Trigger javascript event when ajax response returns.
  • Enhancement – Click Identifier properties now always available in JS attribution object.
  • Enhancement – Introduce flag for when JS attribution object is ready.
  • Enhancement – Save active attribution into database when user login.
  • Bugfix – Do not update user active attribution when feature is disable.
  • Bugfix – Do not overwrite Last Touch with direct / organic / referral without utm_campaign.

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please re-optimize JS files and clear all page cache.

  • Bugfix – Contact Form 7: URL parameters in email report not displayed nicely.
  • Bugfix – Addify Quote for WooCommerce: PHP Notice: Undefined offset 0 in Active Reports.
  • Bugfix – Ninja Forms: Wrong latest submission in User Report.

2.14.13 – Apr 8, 2024

  • Feature – Support for Cookie-Script integration.

2.14.12 – Apr 3, 2024

  • Feature – Support for “Addify Request a Quote for WooCommerce” plugin.

2.14.11 – Mac 27, 2024

  • Feature – Support Borlabs Cookie v3.
  • Security – Move sanitization code to after ‘afl_wc_utm_get_user_synced_session’ filter.

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file borlabs-cookie.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please re-optimize JS files and clear all page cache.

2.14.10 – Mac 21, 2024

  • Feature – Add filter hook to register custom parameter from UTM URL.
  • Feature – Add filter hook to manipulate attribution data before saving.
  • Bugfix – WooCommerce Report filter not working in HPOS.
  • Bugfix – Clear license cache during plugin activation and deactivation.

2.14.8 – Feb 21, 2024

  • Bugfix – Fix undeclared property Complianz::$cookie_admin in Complianz Premium.
  • Bugfix – Fix cookie being denied in “GTM / Manual Integration” and Multisite environment.

2.14.7 – Feb 9, 2024

  • Feature – New ‘GTM / Manual’ cookie consent integration.
  • Feature – Introduce Google Tag Manager (GTM) template to support Google Consent Mode v2.
  • Bugfix – Fix cookie expiry not being reset to the default Attribution Window value after consent optout.
  • Bugfix – Add a space behind our admin body CSS class filter.

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.14.3 – Dec 8, 2023


  • Bugfix – Remove duplicate if condition in Borlabs integration.
  • Bugfix – Remove calling debug write_log function in Cookiebot integration.
  • Bugfix – Fix JS variable afl_wc_utm_public.attribution not having default UTM object properties when UTM URL is empty.


  • Feature – Support for block-based Checkout in WooCommerce 8.3.

Version Tested

  • WordPress v6.4.2
  • WooCommerce v8.3.1

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.14.2 – Nov 11, 2023


  • Bugfix – PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property “no_update” on null.

2.14.1 – Nov 2, 2023


  • Feature – New Cookie Consent Integration Setting to support native integration with Borlabs, Complianz and Cookiebot cookie consent banner plugins without requiring the WP Consent API plugin.
  • Enhancement – Re-wrote our frontend javascript tracking file with expose javascript API.
  • Enhancement – Reorder Cookie Consent Integration Settings section.
  • Enhancement – Remove all admin notice from our plugin pages.
  • Enhancement – Blacklist Ahrefs and Semrush bots.
  • Deprecation Notice – Prepare effort to reduce number of cookies and deprecate them.
  • Updated translation .pot file.

WordPress Multisite

  • Enhancement – Add Network Attribution Settings > Date Format and Time Format.
  • Bugfix – Network Settings (Last Touch UTM = First Touch UTM) not being applied in Child Sites when ‘Enable Multisite’ is checked.

Gravity Forms

  • Feature – You can now filter by form name in the Reports page.
  • Enhancement – Reduce database call for form names.
  • Bugfix – Fix filter by date submitted when cookie consent is deny.

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.13.5 – Oct 28, 2023

Gravity Forms

  • Enhancement – Change ‘gform_entry_post_save’ hook to run with a higher priority of value 2.
  • Bugfix – Gravity Forms Mailchimp Addon fails to send when value is false.

2.13.3 – Sep 22, 2023

Fluent Forms

  • Bugfix – Fluent Forms version 5.0.8 broke our export feature.

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.3.1
  • WooCommerce 8.1.1
  • Fluent Forms 5.0.9

2.13.2 – Aug 8, 2023


  • Feature – New Attribution Settings – Enable/Disable “Support for initial Last Touch UTM = First Touch UTM”.

Fluent Forms

  • Enhancement – Use custom query to improved database read performance for meta rows.
  • Bugfix – Remove deprecated fluentform_loaded hook in Fluent Forms v5.

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.3.0
  • WooCommerce 8.0.1
  • Fluent Forms 5.0.7

2.12.2 – June 26, 2023


  • Feature – Added new Settings > Attribution > Display Date Format and Display Time Format. Option to use WordPress Date/Time Format. Useful for non-English date/time.

Fluent Forms

  • Feature – Support for Fluent Forms 5.0.
  • Feature – Added searchable Fluent Forms attribution report into our AFL UTM Tracker > Reports section.
  • Note – Fluent Forms 5.0 does not have capability to add custom column into the Fluent Forms > Form > Entries table.

2.10.2 – June 19, 2023


  • Bugfix – Facebook and Microsoft Click Identifier label should show Last Touch instead of First Touch.
  • Bugfix – Updated translation .pot file to fix Facebook and Microsoft Click Identifier label.

2.10.0 – May 15, 2023

Ninja Forms

  • Feature – Introduce support for Ninja Forms.


  • Enhancement – Updated the translation .pot file

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.2.0
  • WooCommerce 7.7.0
  • Gravity Forms 2.7.6
  • Fluent Forms 4.3.25
  • Ninja Forms 3.6.23

2.9.3 – Apr 5, 2023


  • Enhancement – Support translation for dates and conversion lag in reports.
  • Bugfix – Missed out several strings for translation.
  • Bugfix – Fix CSS for the Page label in the meta box when language is RTL.

Easy Digital Downloads

  • Bugfix – After updating the Recurring add-on, the Subscription page no longer display the report.

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – Support for hidden field default value when the dynamic populate value is blank.
  • Bugfix – Incorrect attribution for logged-in user when admin-ajax.php is disabled in the Site Performance settings.


  • Security – Additional permission check to display the meta box in the admin Order screens.

2.9.2 – Feb 25, 2023


  • Enhancement – Add language translation template file (.pot)
  • Bugfix – Extract custom parameter value returning empty array instead of empty string.


  • Bugfix – Attribution data not saving in JSON format when set in Site Performance setting.

2.9.1 – Jan 10, 2023


  • Feature – Introduce PHP filter to disable admin-ajax.php for known crawlers/bots.
  • Enhancement – Add new PHP class for integrations to register hooks.
  • Enhancement – Move some hooks to load before the plugin_loaded hook.
  • Enhancement – Add as organic search.

Contact Form 7

  • Feature – Introduce support for Contact Form 7.
  • Feature – Introduce support for Flamingo.

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – PHP5 compatibility by removing extra comma at the end of array.


  • Feature – Introduce support for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS).

Version Tested

  • Contact Form 7 5.7.1
  • WooCommerce 7.2.2

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.7.3 – Dec 12, 2022


  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for trim.
  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for filter_var.
  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for strpos.
  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for parse_url.

2.7.2 – Dec 1, 2022


  • Enhancement – Remove jQuery dependency for afl-wc-utm-public.min.js
  • Enhancement – Beautify Conversion Lag display in List Table.
  • Enhancement – Use shorter Conversion Lag value (‘about 30 days’ to ’30 days’)
  • Bugfix – First Touch UTM URL is empty with “direct / none” when no cookies exist.
  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for error_log.
  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility for parse_url.
  • Bugfix – Conversion Lag value may be wrong for month of February.
  • Bugfix – Uncaught Error: Attempt to modify property ‘no_update’ during plugin update.


  • Enhancement – Add Cookie Domain Integrity Check UI in the Network Settings.
  • Enhancement – Add Multisite Attribution setting in the Network Settings.

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – Cookie expiry for logged-in user not being reduced after form submission.
  • Bugfix – Gravity Forms not being registered under Reports > Active > Recent Conversions.


  • Enhancement – Use WC_Order methods for meta data instead of update_post_meta

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.1.1
  • WooCommerce 7.1.0

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.6.2 – Nov 1, 2022


  • Bugfix – PHP8 compatibility with unsupported operand string – string.


  • Feature – Support Cartflows plugin for Upsell/child orders.
  • Feature – Support email merge tag for Addify Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce.

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.0.3
  • Fluent Forms 4.3.21
  • Gravity Forms 2.6.7
  • WooCommerce 7.0.0
  • Cartflows 1.11.0
  • Cartflows Pro 1.10.2
  • Addify Custom User Registration Field for WooCommerce 1.7.6

2.6.0 – Oct 19, 2022


  • Feature – Introduce new Settings to enable First Touch UTM support for Organic / Direct / Referral.

2.5.9 – Sep 23, 2022

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – Fix Webhook Custom Fields sending “false” value.

2.5.8 – Aug 30, 2022

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – Date Submitted is not displayed in our AFL UTM Tracker > Reports table.
  • Bugfix – When the Members plugin is installed, our settings menu is not shown.

2.5.7 – July 4, 2022


  • Feature – Add new Setting option to support WooCommerce conversion on Thankyou page (for Bolt Checkout plugin).

2.5.6 – July 4, 2022


  • Bugfix – Fix Domain Integrity Check Feature.

2.5.5 – July 4, 2022


  • Enhancement – Add new Setting UI for Domain Integrity Check.

Gravity Forms

  • Add integration support with WP Fusion by using a higher hook priority.

2.5.4 – June 3, 2022


  • Bugfix – Fix plugin crash on hosting environment with PHP < 7.3 caused by extra space before PHP HEREDOC.

Version Tested

  • WordPress 6.0.0
  • WooCommerce 6.5.1

2.5.3 – June 2, 2022


  • Enhancement – Add support for custom JavaScript to access attribution in the frontend (e.g Calendly Embed Script).

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.5.2 – May 4, 2022


  • Enhancement – Support for most social login plugins.
  • Enhancement – Add new setting Server-side Cookie Renewal – Disable Feature. This will disable request to admin-ajax.php on page load.
  • Dev – Add class methods to support tracking on custom pages.

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.5.0 – Apr 18, 2022


  • Feature – Introduced new “Admin Table Integration Setting – Single Column Mode” setting.
  • Feature – Introduce new “Created By” attribution when a logged-in user creates another WordPress user on behalf.
  • Enhancement – Better performance for “Server-side Cookie Renewal – Standard” setting. Admin-ajax.php will only be renewed (once per day or when there are attribution changes) as compared to older version where cookies are renewed on every page.
  • Enhancement – Introduce new cookie afl_wc_utm_main to store last cookie renewal timestamp with server.
  • Enhancement – Update JavaScript tracking file to support new “Server-side Cookie Renewal – Standard” speed improvement.
  • Enhancement – Various code speed improvements.
  • Enhancement – Added search by Attribution Model in our Reports section.
  • Enhancement – Update changelog link to our Docs section.

Easy Digital Downloads

  • Introduce new integration support for Easy Digital Downloads.

Gravity Forms

  • Enhancement – Speed improvement in retrieving the Conversion Attribution data from the database.

Version Tested

  • WordPress 5.9.3
  • WooCommerce 6.4.1
  • Gravity Forms 2.6.0
  • Fluent Forms 4.3.4
  • Easy Digital Downloads

NOTE: There is an update to the JavaScript tracking file afl-wc-utm-public.min.js. If you’re using any caching/optimization plugin, please recombine JS files and clear all page cache.

2.4.12 – Dec 28, 2021


  • Feature – Experimental feature to output attribution data in WP REST API for User and Customer endpoint.
  • Enhancement – Introduce sanitization helper to reduce code duplication.
  • Bugfix – Fix crash on plugin activation caused by aggressive PHP code caching.

WordPress Multisite

  • Bugfix – Fix bug with existing active attribution after switching cross-domain cookie settings.

2.4.11 – Nov 1, 2021

Version Tested

  • WordPress 5.8.1
  • WooCommerce 5.8.0
  • Gravity Forms 2.5.14
  • Fluent Forms 4.2.21


  • Enhancement – Add metabox UI to display clickable page path and to support Unicode/International characters (e.g Hebrew / Chinese / Russian)
  • Enhancement – Big speed improvement in code performance for all integrations.
  • Enhancement – Introduce filter for JavaScript dependencies.
  • Enhancement – UI improvement in Admin > Reports tables.
  • Enhancement – Add more paths to blacklist URL paths.
  • Bugfix – Fix Unicode/International characters being stripped from the captured attribution page URLs (e.g Hebrew / Chinese / Russian)
  • Bugfix – Fix a logged-in user creating another user account should not have attribution stored in the new user account.
  • Bugfix – Fix potential plugin upgrade error from version 1 to version 2 due to opcache caching older PHP files which are no longer included in our plugin folder.
  • Bugfix – Fix undefined host property with empty URL string.
  • Bugfix – Fix Conversion Lag not displaying in PHP 5.6 and below

Gravity Forms

  • Feature – Add Gravity Forms Report tab in our Admin > Reports page. Shows all entries from different forms in the same table.

Fluent Forms

  • Feature – Add support for populating UTM into Hidden Fields so you can integrate with non-supported Fluent Forms add-ons or third-party plugins.
  • Feature – Add support for extracting custom parameter from attribution URLs into Hidden Field.
  • Bugfix – Set Success label in the API log instead of just Pending/Processing.

2.4.5 – Aug 22, 2021

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – Add support for Gravity Forms Zapier Add-on version 4.1.1 where the empty attribution data was set to false instead of a blank value.

2.4.3 – Aug 12, 2021


  • Bugfix – Fix cookie expiry value not being reduce after conversion (example 90 days to 30 days). The bug takes effect when the visitor visits the website again before the cookie expire, the visitor will continue to use the same initial conversion journey for the next conversion.
  • Enhancement – Add a link to our Documentation page in the WordPress Admin > Plugins page.

Gravity Forms

  • Feature – Add support to extract custom parameter from existing URLs and store it in the dynamically populated hidden field. Read documentation here.
  • Bugfix – Fix support for Webhook Add-on where the empty attribution data was set to false (JSON) or 0 (FORM) instead of a blank value.

2.4.2 – July 1, 2021

  • Fix E_PARSE error line 635 in License Manager. Affects PHP 7.2 and below.

2.4.1- July 1, 2021


  • This version caused sites with PHP 7.2 and below to crash.
  • If you are using a javascript minification plugin, please minifiy again as we have updated our javascript file.

Version Testing

  • WordPress 5.7.2
  • WooCommerce 5.4.1
  • Gravity Forms 2.5.6
  • Fluent Forms 4.1.0
  • WP Consent API 1.0.4

Vulnerability / Security

  • Security fix for WordPress Multisite.
  • Security enhancement.


  • Feature – three new settings for site performance. Able to significantly reduce database read / writes for high traffic websites.
  • Feature – added support for Complianz and CookieBot consent plugin. You have to also install the WP Consent API plugin.
  • Feature – new setting to set cookie consent category.
  • Feature – added WooCommerce Report under our Reports menu.
  • Feature – added global setting for showing or hiding columns for Admin tables.
  • Feature – added new Website Referrer column for Admin tables.
  • Feature – added new Export setting to replace blank values with a text.
  • Enhancement – significantly improve code execution time throughout all our codes.
  • Enhancement – added button to re-check license status without deactivating first.
  • Enhancement – do not check license status if license has expired for more than 30-days.
  • Enhancement – updated our javascript file to support our new setting options.

WordPress Multisite

  • Feature – new Network Settings under the main site. Configure cross-subdomain cookies and site performance.
  • Enhancement – move Network Setting page to main site. Previously you would have to ‘Network Activate’ in order to access our network settings.
  • Bugfix – sign-up conversion attribution for another site’s user was still viewable by the other site admin when cross-subdomain cookies settings were removed.

WP Consent API

The WP Consent API is a propose feature to be merged into WordPress so that plugins and themes can access the cookie consent value of a website visitor.

  • Feature – added support for WP Consent API plugin.
  • Feature – support for Complianz and CookieBot cookie consent plugins
  • Feature – added setting to set cookie consent category to either Statistics or Marketing.


  • Bugfix – do not use copy over conversion attribution for WooCommerce Subscription renewals.
  • Deprecated – deprecate several class methods to improve process flow.

Gravity Forms

  • Enhancement – new default setting to enable or disable conversion attribution for all forms.
  • Enhancement – move table column settings to plugin settings page.
  • Bugfix – do not trigger conversion event in our Active Reports for Partial Entries.
  • Deprecated – deprecate several class methods to improve process flow.

Fluent Forms

  • Feature – added support for Fluent Forms. Works with the free version.
  • Feature – support adding conversion report into Admin Notification.
  • Feature – support field mapping in Fluent Forms Add-ons.
  • Feature – support Webhook and Zapier Add-ons.
  • Does not work with Partial Entries due to limitation in Fluent Forms database.

2.3.5 – Apr 9, 2021

  • Fix our AFL UTM Tracker settings page not showing in Gravity Forms.

2.3.4 – Mar 29, 2021

  • Fix E_PARSE error in License Activation form for PHP with certain level of error_reporting() configuration.

2.3.3 – Mar 29, 2021

Version Testing

  • WordPress 5.7
  • WooCommerce 5.1
  • Gravity Forms 2.5 RC2


  • Feature – support one-click plugin update with license activation. Your license key is now available in your Account page.
  • Fix – remove language translation for Conversion Lag value since TranslatePress plugin doesn’t work well with it.
  • Enhancement – last Touch UTM was not populated when visitors converted on the first visit (designed to save database space since First Touch UTM is already populated). But our customers are integrating with various third-party systems like Zapier and CRM. So now you can pass the Last Touch UTM only (without the First Touch UTM) to your third-party system.
  • Enhancement – support tracking Microsoft / Bing Click Identifier (msclkid).
  • Enhancement – click Identifier values (without the URL) are now accessible through our variables which you can pass to your third-party system. Example (gclid = 12345)
  • Enhancement – support conversion tracking and attribution when the user registers an account through wp-login.php.
  • Enhancement – merge our public facing javaScript files into one file for loading performance.
  • Enhancement – use the recommended way of calling jQuery.ready() in WordPress 5.7.
  • Enhancement – sort Active attribution report to user’s date last seen in our Reports section.
  • Bugfix – home_url() value not suitable to be use as cookie domain because translation plugin changes the URL on-the-fly based on the site language.

Gravity Forms

  • Enhancement – support Gravity Forms Partial Entries.
  • Bugfix – conversion Type default value (Lead or Order) is undefined when our form settings is not saved for the first time.

2.1.2 – 2020-09-28


  • Bugfix – we accidently disabled WooCommerce tracking in version 2.1.1. This is a quick patch.

2.1.1 – 2020-09-28


  • Bugfix – PHP error where WC_Customer does not exists in our Reports section. Happens when WooCommerce is not installed.

2.1.0 – 2020-09-27

Gravity Forms

  • Bugfix – when our form settings page is not saved, the cookie is not set to expire early after the visitor submits the form. If you do not want to pickup this release, you just have to save the form settings under Gravity Forms > Forms > Form > Settings > AFL UTM Tracker.


  • Feature – you can now set the cookie domain for cross-subdomain tracking.
  • Feature – you can now set the cookie domain for cross-subdomain tracking in the Network Settings menu.

2.0.3 – 2020-08-06

  • Bugfix – Google Analytics Client ID was not captured in version 2.0.2 when cross device syncing feature was introduced.

2.0.2 – 2020-08-01

  • Feature – new plugin settings page. Change cookie expiry length.
  • Feature – cross-device attribution support. Syncs attribution session across devices for logged-in users.
  • Enhancement: Updated javascript file.


  • Feature – add support for {afl_wc_utm} merge tag in WooCommerce email template. Displays attribution report in table form in the email.
  • Enhancement – add table columns to orders table to show conversion lag, UTM (first), UTM (last), click identifiers values.

Gravity Forms

  • Add support for {afl_wc_utm} merge tag in Gravity Forms Notification. Displays attribution report in table form in the email.
  • Add main settings page to show or hide table columns.
  • Add form settings page to enable or disable attribution, set attribution type and cookie expiry.
  • Easily mapped fields with third-party add-on like Zapier without creating hidden fields.
  • Changed all column names for Export.